Sunday, November 14, 2021

Goals in life, are that important?

What is your goal in life? Goals?

Ok, let’s rethink that question: what can you do with your life, so that you become happy, peaceful, full of love and in harmony with others?

Tough question? Not so much… even though we often don’t ask us that question out loud, most of the time we would ask that question in a subtle way, particularly when we have a big decision to make.

In fact, goals are not as important in life as it is to have a memorable life, a life that at the end of the journey you will feel was so worthy to have lived it.

Now, don’t misunderstand me: to have goals, aims or objectives are EXTREMELY important. The problem is that to fulfilling a goal, sometimes you lose your happiness and peace, you miss whatever makes you feel loved and you fight other people.

So, are you going for a big goal in life? DO IT! Conquer your fears and overcome your obstacles, but don’t lose focus of what is important in life.

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