Sunday, October 20, 2019

Methods to face change

Any situation you want to change, you have created it somehow, maybe by literally generating it or just by applying it to your life. For that, you needed a certain type of attitude or mentality, and the ironic thing is that with the same mindset you want to “uncreate” it.

That is what makes changes difficult, because it is more a question of changing the self than changing something outside, which takes time and lots of energy.

But there are changes and changes. Let’s do it simple and categorize them:
  • Small. It implicates you have to change something that is easy, it is not complex and it does not require much of energy or any type of investment.
  • Simple. A bit more than small, it is still easy and not complex, but you have to invest something like learning skills or a trip somewhere.
  • Big. It is difficult and complex, you will have to invest something to work on it.
  • Huge. It is very difficult, very complex and a lot has to be invested so that it happens.

A small change seems, well, small. So it should be easy, right? Not necessarily; the problem of small changes is that you don’t give them much importance, as it is often hidden in the theater of your life. For you to be able to solve them, you need the trick of giving them importance, because when you highlight them, you start to face them and find a solution.

Simple changes are probably the easiest ones, as they are bigger than the small changes so they are easier to be noticed, but not too big to be difficult. A good example is to adapt to a new boss; you may either adapt to his or her style or, if you don’t agree, you always have opportunities at other companies. Plan it and implement what is planned.

Big and huge changes are the fight, flight or freeze type. For instance, when economy dynamic changes and your golden job becomes a tinned job, what to do? First of all, reflect on the change and avoid the 3F’s impulse or instinct. If that change is for a short time – and please, consult experts to reach that conclusion and don’t get biased by an ideology – the fight option will be good as far as you have the energy to change the situation by doing it. Otherwise, no energy means patience can be a good teacher and the freeze choice, of just waiting and see will be the best. However, if the change will stay for long time, the flight option is probably the best; look for a new job, RIGHT NOW!

In other words:
  • Check the category of the change.
  • Apply the best tactic for it, which is...
  • To give importance, highlighting it, facing it and finding a solution, in the case of small changes.
  • If the change is simple, it is planning and implementation.
  • For big and huge changes, it is better to reflect and then decide upon what you have decided.

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