Sunday, February 18, 2018

A leader may teach others, but also learn from them – Reason 30

We have a world filled with natural teachers, people who easily explain to others how to do something, what the meaning of life is and how to be a better person.  As world teachers, we enrich each other with new perspectives and we correct each other’s behaviour, with the aim to help them to be better and to promote harmony in our society.

At the same time, we are a world of eager students learning from others at every step.  Due to this, we change because we observe others, we understand what they are doing, we discern and then we replicate it in our own actions.

However, an obstacle in our development process is the fact we pose as teachers when we should be quiet and learn, or we try to be students when others are waiting for us to give an example.  Being a leader means to know what to be at what time.

A leader is the one who is silent when it is time to learn from others and to change his or her behaviour.  In that sense, a leader will be like a child with eagerness to learn and improve and also like a wise person who knows she or he does not know it all.

At a time of teaching, a leader will look for ways to encourage others to do things differently without it seeming like correction.  Best of all, a leader will follow up and make sure others have understood the lesson they gave through their example.

(Excerpt from the book 82 Reasons to be a Leader)

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