Sunday, September 17, 2017

Tolerance means to give others the best of you - Reason 11

We do live in times of tolerance…  Or rather you could say, in times where there is an increasing need for tolerance.

Reason is simple: we live in a period of growing diversity and, as a society, we are not that ready for it.  Diversity makes people feel insecure, as they tend to label others and protect themselves and those who are equal to them, and it is that insecurity that makes intolerance grow.

Normal people bear with what happens to them; they cope with other people’s ways of being or just go out and sue them.  A leader … well, leaders are different, because their perspective is unique and may be summarised in one word and that is service.

Meister Eckhart said something related to the capacity a leader has to tolerate: Do exactly what you would do if you felt most secure.[1]  It is this deep sense of security a leader has imbibed that enables him or her to deal with situations with a broad mind and perspective.

As a leader, you are able to look at others in a way that sees their highest potential, abilities, and which gives them hope and encourages them, for tolerance is in fact not only to accept others, but to give them the best from your heart.

Maybe you have heard that the best image for tolerance is a tree laden with fruit, which gives away irrespective of people throwing up stones in order for the fruit to fall.  By giving your fruits as a leader, then over time others will become content, and will eventually end any attacks as you have left a beautiful impression on their hearts.

(Excerpt from the book 82 Reasons to be a Leader)

[1] Meister Eckhart (c.1260 – c.1328) was a German philosopher and theologian.  You can find the whole quote in this page:

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