Sunday, November 15, 2015

The power you get by taking breaks

As our world evolves into a global village, with everything linked to everything, productivity is pushing us hard.

It is strange; as the world grows, more people would engage into tasks that would improve productivity. However, this is not happening and companies are decreasing their staff - especially the more creative - by their own will or just because these people are being widespread along the globe.

The negative effect is that those who remain have to produce more to keep the pace the department was having before. After all, less people should not mean less production...

Add to that the fast pace a person lives in the society with so many movies, parties, plays, Facebook posts, etc. Add to that an increasing health and spiritual consciousness, and add to that the importance to family and you will have a very stressing picture of people rushing around, virtually or physically, trying to fulfill all their duties...

In United States, many companies are encouraging their employees to take vacations. In many companies around the world, bosses are insisting with people to take a break now and then. An editor for a very important magazine decided to go to another country for the week-end - by himself, no spouse and no family...

There are several researches on the topic, but the most important point here is that those breaks we take allow us to breath and calm our body. It is a moment to enjoy someone else's company and especially not talking about whatever we were doing just before.

It will definitely increase productivity as we will come with refreshing ideas and new decisions.

Do you want to be more productive? Take a break from whatever you are doing and check the results.

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