Sunday, September 13, 2015

The power of goals

Walking our journey as professional people, family members or just individuals can look tiresome. We feel that many times in our lives, just weary and it seems very difficult to keep on going.

Goals function is to motivate us to keep on moving by using 3 factors:

  • Hope. It is the first layer of any goal. No matter how cold the aim is or how much you have calculated it, hope drives you to think things can be better and you can do it. After all, real goals propose a different reality than you live; hope helps you to imagine it, feel it inside you and make your whole being working towards it.
  • Reality. I would put here LOGIC, however I think that word is not the same at the time of setting goals. You have to be real, not negatively real, but real enough to set goals you can fulfill. As a friend of mine has said, go into battles that are small enough to be won but big enough to matter.
  • Insight. I would put here INTUITION, but again, I don't think this word is the one that helps you when you set goals. At the time of setting goals, you have to be careful as they should be something beyond the reality, balancing with the logical perception. The best way is to go inside yourself and take from there that energy you need to guess, to imagine and visualize a future you will be creating brick by brick.

So, start your journey towards the future with lots of hope. Trust the reality you live and what you hear from within.

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