Sunday, September 14, 2014

Methods for managing time

Time Management is a kind of modern science, offering multiple tools and methods to deal with what seems unmanageable for many: time, agenda and productivity. But from a humanistic point of view, there are effective ways to handle this.

While time management focuses mostly on managing your clock and time, 24 hours per day by generating complex agendas, humanistic approach focuses on the consciousness of the time, the attitude we have towards it and proactive habits.

To handle it, the ideal is a perfect balance between understanding the URGENCY that time imposes on you and the IMPORTANCE of the different events. The correlation between the two generates what we call PRIORITIZATION. In other words, you have time to do everything you want by understanding importance and urgency as it is easier to allocate energy and time. Although it sounds logical it is not that easy to do; we tend to spend more time doing things we like, for instance, reading this blog, than doing that important project for your job... Why? Because in our consciousness, importance and urgency are not registered, except if there is a danger around. Consciousness records not only what you know, but that with which it is aligned according to values and goals in life, and most of the time, those thinks we like...

We need to have several dialogues with the self, explaining actions, and establishing its importance and urgency. The attitude is vital for success in time management and this inner dialogue will help with that.

And talking about time management, what about the collective time? Although a balanced approach that gives importance to time, but without generating stress, helps the person in managing their energy and effectively fulfill their commitments, but to manage the collective time, which is basically not being late for meetings and how to deal with the others being late, the individual needs a different approach. It requires a different way of thinking about time by using technology to avoid problems and conflicts, while generating the positive energy that is needed for working together to function effectively.

What I have mentioned up to this point will be better if you develop certain proactive habits in your life as simple as getting up to meditate 45 minutes daily in the morning. These habits are considered proactive because they enable you to organize your energy and time, creating a positive chain reaction during the day. It is a kind of anchor for your time.

By working on your consciousness, the bottom line is that you will the time is not your enemy, but an excellent partner for your success.

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