Sunday, January 5, 2014

The art of leadership (The 16 celestial arts)

A friend of mine, who has written a couple of books on leadership or related topics, is very tired. He is tired about talking on leadership.

He says because it is a saturated topic. However, I think it differently because never as today we have been in the need of a leader, and to understand what leader means.

I feel the reason is that no matter what, leadership quality is still very low.

It is interesting. With all the knowledge we have and so much capacity in terms of resources in general, the world looks like it is in a blind alley - it got into it, but there is no way to exit...

The art of leadership is related to several aspects that can be developed easily:

  • It implies leadership is not an exact science. It requires experimentation, lots of patience and perseverance to happen.
  • To improve the quality of any art, there is a methodology. For instance, silence and study... To improve the quality of leadership, leaders need to go deeper in silence and study more about it.
  • If you are going to paint, you need to know not only about colors, but its material. Leaders need to know the context of their own leadership, which means to understand their people, their lives, the organization, the market and the world in general.
  • You won't have success if nobody buys your pictures. Who is going to buy your leadership? Or, as someone said, who bothers that you get up every morning?

The world needs lots of leaders, good quality leaders. I am sure you are one of them, so I hope these points can help you to refine your leadership.

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