Sunday, March 11, 2012

A symbol of status

During a training I've went through in Barcelona, Spain, I was given a notebook. It did look like a very common one for me, nothing really special, until they started to use its brand as an example of status, or people wanting to take the course just because of it. Check about that in YouTube, where there are lots of examples of that specific brand.

I was surprised because not only I never heard about that (sorry for it!), but it really didn't look, well, a symbol of status for me. It is just a simple notebook, nothing really fancy or special.

I was reminded of old movies where they used to show tribes where to have status meant to have a bigger mouth, or a bigger piercing in your nose. Isn't it strange how we define status?

How much do you buy things just because they will give you status?

On the other hand, when you use something so much, and it is practical and useful, it is natural that becomes part of your life. Objects are there to help you to be a better man or woman, to help you to understand life in different ways.

When I realise fully the reason to use objects, then naturally I will become someone happier and greater. In fact, I will get a status nothing else could granted me.

As a coach, I help people to feel great!

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