Sunday, May 21, 2017

A great time to be spiritual

Crisis and chaos: that is the present configuration of our world.

Ah, you don’t believe… But it is true. There is at least one crisis in your country right now. Maybe it is ecological or political, ethical or social; it may be incipient, mature or old… No, it is not normal, at least in the past – let’s say, 16th century – it was quite uncommon and if you look at history records you will see years and years passing by without any mention of a big problem, for a long time and at many places.

Ok, but what is a crisis? A simple definition is an unexpected change that creates a bad sensation in most of the affected people. By unexpected I mean a change people were not ready to face. Probably older times were more predictable and easy to deal.

It is also certain there is chaos at least at a country in your continent. It may be in the form of confusion or a social situation that goes beyond the capacity of that place. Maybe it is a country with so much corruption, which structure is fallen apart.

How to deal with crisis and chaos? Yes, there are many techniques, but as these situations become more and more common why not taking in consideration a very different possibility?

Spirituality may be the solution a few people dare to suggest. It won’t solve crisis or chaos, but it will contribute with a different approach towards life. At one hand, it will minimize their effect on the person. On the other hand, it will help to keep a clear mind and a very sharp intellect, so that a solution is found.

So, whenever you realize you should deal with that crisis and you should be careful about chaos, go and sit in meditation… that is the best and perhaps the only way to tap into one’s own spirituality.

When you do that, you will feel circumstances don’t affect as much as they used to, and you start to affect situations, becoming a real change agent.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

The power of love

It seems a whole generation was expecting the power of love to prevail over… well, over all the other types of powers: law, society, morality, etc.

Arriving at the 21st century, this sounds old, outdated and weak. And yet, it seems we need love more than ever.

Question is: what is the power of love at times of Internet? Is it only free sex, being permitted to do whatever one wants and smile all the time?

The power of love is that energy that enables you to take one step more. It is that strength you find when you think all is over.

That is what creates bonds between people, nations, races and species. It is a universal vitality that prevails and permeates all layers of our society.

And it is there, just inside you! Use it and enjoy the wonderful effect of making other people hopeful again, energetic again and alive. Again.

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Coordinating others

There is a big range of possibilities when you talk about a person in a position of being a chief: chief, boss, manager, supervisor, overseer, etc.

But a few publications and articles talk about the fine art of being a coordinator. You see, I have been that for much of my life.

Its concept does not fit into the boss’ idea, neither as a manager, and yet, bosses and managers have a lot to learn from being a coordinator.

It implicates many aspects that may be useful while managing others:
  • A coordinator does not own the task and yet he or she is fully committed. That gives them an advantage as they can work with passion, but without attachment to procedures and results.
  • The main people in the team are the rest of the team. The coordinator is like the empty space in a bicycle wheel – very important, but that is not why you buy a wheel...
  • Coordinators will stimulate creativity, innovation and disruption, and they will use those moments to accelerate any process.
  • Rules and regulations will be talked and will be uphold, but people will always come first. If a person breaks them, a coordinator will talk and together they will find a solution.
  • Coordinators are measure for more than a task success: her or his people’s satisfaction will be equally important.
  • The relation between a coordinator and the stakeholders is one of respect and humility.